Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Happy First Part of the Month

I am always pleased when a new month rolls around. That means new budget, and that in turn means, new SNOWBALL money! We are scheduled to pay another credit card off this month! I am very excited about that. Unfortunately, it doesn't happen until the 22nd. :(

Our lease is up in September... (we have to give 60 days notice)... we have to decide what we are going to do. We are paying a lot in rent right now, and we could probably find something for $300 less a month. This place was brand new and pretty big... I am just in that need to save money! mode, and I don't want to pay more than I have to. So we have some decisions to make.

To talk about more fun things... I stumbled upon this blog called This Young House. Here is the link: . What a great couple...Go on and take a look. She has a section (page) that is dedicated to their at home wedding - it's exactly how I would have loved to have done it. I may even borrow a few ideas for an upcoming anniversary. Maybe throw myself a 20 year party? Is it okay to do that? Throw myself a party? I guess I could say I was throwing it for DH. lol...

Oh. In other (horrible) news. My work laptop died last night! It's soooo dead it's not even funny. My boss told me to take today off - and to have some fun. I feel guilty... I have so much work to do! That reminds me... I also have my first Masters Degree paper due tomorrow night. It's going to be a busy day after all!


  1. Ah, "snowball money"...are you a Dave Ramsey girl?

    Shortly after I get married in June, my first student loan bill will show up. Talk about a wedding gift...

    We'll have no consumer debt (PTL!), but you can bet we're going to throw everything we can at that loan!

    Congrats on paying off your credit card! :D

  2. Thanks! Yes I am! :) And proud of it! We've paid off 6 credit cards so far!! Have fun killing that loan!!
